Greater Victoria Baseball Association
Park Directions
Find Your Field
Carnarvon Baseball Club
- Carnarvon Park (Pee Wee, Bantam)
- Allenby Park (T-Ball thru Mosquito)
- Firefighter’s Park (T-Ball thru Mosquito, Softball)
- Henderson Park (Midget, Junior)
Lions Minor Baseball
Gordon Head
- Wilf Sadler Field – Lower Lambrick Park (Mosquito)
- Upper Lambrick Park (T-Ball, Novice, Pee Wee)
- Lambrick Park (Bantam, Midget, Junior)
Layritz Baseball
- Layritz Park (Bantam, Midget, Junior)
Peninsula Baseball
- Rotary Park (T-Ball thru Junior)
- Centennial Park (Bantam)
Triangle Baseball
- Juan de Fuca Fields (T-Ball thru Pee Wee, Softball)
- Luxton Field (Bantam, Midget, Junior)

Greater Victoria Baseball Association (GVBA) provides direction and support for the BC Minor Baseball program in Greater Victoria.